Tune: Vandals of Hammerwich
The music is A, B alternating continually.
If the dancers do something unexpected, don’t worry, just keep on with the same alternation.
Dancers are numbered clockwise.
The count is in steps, not bars.
All moves should begin on a new phrase of the music.
Walk On and Low Basket
1-16 Walk to where you want perform in a straight line (with some flexibility depending on where you’re performing)
17-25 Number 1, followed by the other three dancers (ideally at two beat intervals) lower their sword into a low basket, while flowing into a circle.
26-32 Walk round clockwise with low basket.
Low Clash
1-16 Hold sword in right hand and do a low clash while circling clockwise.
Finish on beat 15 to allow time to raise swords for high clash.
High Clash
1-16 Hold sword in right hand and do a high clash while circling clockwise.
On 1, bring sword vertically so that your right hand is down by your side.
2,3 Bend your right elbow so that your sword tilts towards the person behind you, reach up and grab the sword in front on.
4. Clash both swords horizontally together, with hilt over point, on count of 4.
5-16 Continue in ring with swords on shoulders, without any further clashes.
Open Ring (16 steps)
Single Under
1-48 Starting with number 1 and progressing anti-clockwise (the move works better progressing this way), each dancer in turn brings their hands together above their head (the dancers on either side touch fists, so that the two swords are parallel in the air). Make sure that the swords are still held one in each hand – do NOT take both swords in one hand.

While everyone else continues going clockwise in a small ring, the active dancer turns anti-clockwise on the spot until he is facing in the opposite direction to the other dancers. Then, he walks anti-clockwise round the ring until he reaches his own place in the ring.
At this point, the active dancer swings his right hand down and then upwards to meet the sword of the dancer to his right. The swords should be lifted, together, so that they look like a single sword from a distance.
The new active dancer turns anti-clockwise on the spot, and so the move continues.
The main thing to watch out for, is that whenever a new dancer turns out, the dancer who had been following them round the ring must NOT follow them as they turn out. They keep moving round the ring, and must follow the dancer who is normally next to the dancer on their left. (This becomes easier, if you always keep fists touching on the raised swords)
It generally takes around six steps to complete one single under.
Keep going for three phrases of the music and then number 1 should call ‘break’ regardless of who is due to go next.
Open Ring
Double Under
1-32 Each couple go under and back, going clockwise round the set, starting with number 1 and the person to their left. Four steps across, four steps back.
Remember to keep in time to the music.
Also remember that both couples move. The couple making the arch should move just as fast as the couple going under. This stops the set moving around the floor.
Open Ring (16 steps)
1-4 Two steps in to the centre. Raise arms over head on second step and turn clockwise 180 degrees on the third. Bring arms down to chest height on the fourth beat (fudge a bit if heights vary a lot), ideally with left hand coming down over the right, and both hands inside the swords, to make a sword square with clear corners.
Count is: “in, up, twist, down”
5-8 Now reverse the move. “Up, twist (anti-clockwise) down (nice sweeping move as you step backward) and out.
9-16 Repeat 1-8
Arch Lock
1-4 Start as though forming another Square, but 1 and 3 turn 360clockwise under their swords while 2 and 4 turn 360 anti-clockwise.
5-8 Dancers 2 and 4 move back to stand in a line beside number 1.
Number 1 pushes his swords forward and down and then brings them up, weaving one of them in, to make the lock.
When the lock is ready, number 1 raises it into the air and carries around audience to display it. Other dancers follow in a line. This is not a strong lock. Get a good grip on both swords at each corner.
If the dance is being performed on its own, either carry the arch off into the audience or form a line and bow.
If figure 2 is to follow immediately afterwards, number 1 should smartly fold up the lock and then formally hand swords to the other dancers one at a time. They should then form up smartly in a circle with swords touching on the ground, ready for a low clash.