Tune: British Grenadiers
The music is A, B alternating continually.
If the dancers do something unexpected, don’t worry, just keep on with the same alternation.
Dancers are numbered clockwise.
The count is in steps, not bars.
All moves should begin on a new phrase of the music.
If the dance is being performed immediately after figure 1, then the dancers will already be in a circle with their swords touching the ground. In this case, start immediately with a low clash and skip the Walk On and Low Basket.
Walk On and Low Basket
1-16 Walk to where you want perform in a straight line (with some flexibility depending on where you’re performing)
17-25 Number 1, followed by the other three dancers (ideally at two beat intervals) lower their sword into a low basket, while flowing into a circle.
26-32 Walk round clockwise with low basket.
Low Clash
1-16 Hold sword in right hand and do a low clash while circling clockwise.
Finish on beat 15 to allow time to raise swords for high clash.
High Clash
1-16 Hold sword in right hand and do a high clash while circling clockwise.
On 1, bring sword vertically so that your right hand is down by your side.
2,3 Bend your right elbow so that your sword tilts towards the person behind you, reach up and grab the sword in front on.
4. Clash both swords horizontally together, with hilt over point, on count of 4.
5-16 Continue in ring with swords on shoulders, without any further clashes.
Open Ring (16 steps)
Round the Horn (32 steps)
This move progresses clockwise round the set. It’s important to maintain the square shape of the set and for the dancers to be reasonably close together.
1-8 Dancers 2 and 3 rise the sword held between them, remain stationary and rotate on the spot. Number 1, followed by number 4 goes clockwise round the dancer diagonally opposite him (ie. number 3), and quickly back to place.
8-16 Exactly the same, but dancers 3 and 4 make the arch and dancer number 2 leads number 1 around number 4.
17-24 As before, 4,1 arch. 3 goes around 1, followed by 2.
25-32 1,2 arch. 4 goes round 2 with 3 following.
Open Ring ( 16 steps)
Cross Double Under (64 steps)
This operates a little bit like a double under, but the dancers going under the arch each cross over to the other side and go back on that side.
1-8 1 passes under an arch made by 3 and 4, with 2 following. Maintain eye contact through the bit that follows (this is important and will prevent people turning in the wrong direction) 1 crosses in front of 2 and locks eyes with 3. 3 will step backwards until back to back with 4. 1 moves round (still locking eyes, until in a straight line with the other dancers. (likewise, 2 and 4 lock eyes, with 4 stepping backwards to be close to 3. 2 moves round until he lines up with the others.)
At this point, there should be a straight line of dancers with swords held all together over their heads.
9-12 While in a straight line, everyone does four marching steps on the spot.
13-16 Everyone returns quickly to their original place. 1 will need to pass underneath 2’s sword to avoid a tangle.
17-32 Repeat 1-16 with the next clockwise couple. 2 leads 3 under an arch made by 4 and 1.
33-48 Repeat 1-16 with 3 leading 4 under an arch made by 1 and 2.
49-64 Repeat 1-16 with 4 leading 1 under and arch made by 2 and 3.
Open Ring (16 steps)

Loop the Loop (32 steps)
1-4 Number 1 and the dancer to his left (number 2) hold their swords across the set and keep them close together. Likewise 3 and 4. The two couples change places, with 1 and 2 going under the arch and turning out ready to come back again. 3 and 4 will turn in ready for going back the other way.
5-8 Return to original place with 1 and 2 raising their swords for 3 and 4 to go under.
9-16 Repeat 1-8.
Now change direction.
17-32 Repeat 1-16 doing exactly the same thing, but 3 and 4 go under initially.
You’ll usually have time for a final turn in/out to add a flourish at the end.
Open Ring (16 steps)
1-4 Two steps in to the centre. Raise arms over head on second step and turn clockwise 180 degrees on the third. Bring arms down to chest height on the fourth beat (fudge a bit if heights vary a lot), ideally with left hand coming down over the right, and both hands inside the swords, to make a sword square with clear corners.
Count is: “in, up, twist, down”
5-8 Now reverse the move. “Up, twist (anti-clockwise) down (nice sweeping move as you step backward) and out.
9-16 Repeat 1-8
Vase of Flowers Lock
1-4 Start as though forming another Square, but1 and 3 turn 360clockwise under their swords while 2 and 4 turn 360 anti-clockwise.
5-8 Dancers 2 and 4 move back to stand in a line beside number 1.
Number 1 pushes his swords forward and down and then brings them up, weaving one of them in, to make the lock.
The lock is picked up by number 3 -this is a very fragile lock, it needs holding bottom and centre at the point where the swords cross. (Yes, it is an arch lock held upside-down.)
Number 3 carries the lock round to display it to the audience.
Walk Off
Number 3 leads the dancers off (or lines them up for bow if there is a decent audience.)